7. Functions#
Functions can be used to package a set of instructions. These instructions can then be reused for different inputs. Using functions can save you a lot of copying and pasting. Also, if you find a bug in your set of instructions, you only have to fix it once if you use a function instead of copying and pasting.
def fahr_to_celsius(temp_fahr):
''' Convert temperature from degrees F to C '''
temp_celsius = (temp_fahr - 32) * (5/9)
return temp_celsius
Help on function fahr_to_celsius in module __main__:
Convert temperature from degrees F to C
In IPython (and Jupyter notebooks) there is another way of asking for help by typing the function name with a question mark.
To use the function:
tempF = 212
tempC = fahr_to_celsius(tempF)
print('Temperature in Celsius is:',tempC)
Temperature in Celsius is: 100.0
7.1. Multiple outputs#
def fahr_to_celsius_kelvin(temp_fahr):
''' Convert temperature from degrees F to Celsius and Kelvin '''
temp_celsius = (temp_fahr - 32) * (5/9)
temp_kelvin = temp_celsius + 273
return temp_celsius,temp_kelvin
(25.0, 298.0)
7.2. Specifying default values for inputs#
def fahr_to_celsius_kelvin(temp_fahr=32):
''' Convert temperature from degrees F to Celsius and Kelvin '''
temp_celsius = (temp_fahr - 32) * (5/9)
temp_kelvin = temp_celsius + 273
return temp_celsius,temp_kelvin
(0.0, 273.0)
Create a function that takes a number as input, and returns the square of that number.
Create a function to calculate the standard deviation of an array (not using the
7.3. Exercise: temperature conversion#
Create a function that converts temperature from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit.
Use the function created above to convert the following array of temperature values from degrees C to degrees F. Avoid using a for loop.
temps_c = np.array([50.5, 58.4, 62.3, 49.2])
7.4. Exercise: Stokes law function#
Stokes’ law predicts the settling velocity (or “terminal velocity”) of a sinking sphere, \(v\) (units: m/s). The theoretical velocity is based on the radius of the particle, \(r\) (units: m), the density of the particle \(\rho_p\) (units: kg/m\(^3\)), the density of the ambient fluid \(\rho_f\), the dynamic viscosity of the ambient fluid \(\mu\) (units: kg/(m*s)), and the acceleration due to gravity \(g\) (units: m/s\(^2\)):
Use the following template to create a function that calculates the velocity predicted by Stokes law:
def stokes_law(r,rho_p,rho_f,mu,g):
# insert code here
return v
Use your stokes_law
function to estimate the settling velocity of the single-cell alga Phaeocystis globosa, assuming it is spherical. The radius of a typical cell is 46 \(\mu m\) and the typical cell density is 1091 kg/m3. For standard seawater conditions (temperature = 10 deg C, practical salinity = 35) \(\rho_f\) = 1025 kg/m3\(, \)\mu =$ 1.51 × 10−3 kg/(m*s).
Source: L. Peperzak, F. Colijn, R. Koeman, W. W. C. Gieskes, J. C. A. Joordens, Phytoplankton sinking rates in the Rhine region of freshwater influence, Journal of Plankton Research, Volume 25, Issue 4, April 2003, Pages 365–383,
Edit your function to use typical seawater values as defaults for